
Monthly Reader's Photo for November Anyone?

Anyone interested in sending in a picture for November, please do so. The months are certainly flying by and I don't think they're getting any slower! I look forward to reviewing them.

iMACs Superior In Digital Imaging?

Yes folks, I'm still here! Unfortunately, I've been struggling with a cold/flu for that past 2 weeks! What a time but I'm getting there and the blog should be coming back to life with posts and pictures soon. I appreciate your patience.

As I'm sitting here on my wireless connection watching the Sox play in the start of the series (good start so far!), I couldn't help but think about what a friend of mine was telling me about his iMac Pro and how he uses it at work for photography and digital editing. He enjoyed it so much, he bought a couple laptops for his home and his family to use.

My questions go out to you. Does anyone else use a Mac running OS X and agree with him that Macs are easier to use and better with photography, music, and digital editing?

I'd be interested in knowing your thoughts. They do seem a bit pricey though...


Faded Beauties

The months are going by quick as we enter into the 2nd week of October! It's unbelievable to see what the seasons do to specific things in nature.

Take flowers for example. How at one point, they were a sight to marvel at but as seasons and weather changed, they soon faded away and are forgotten until next year during bloom.

But when the time is taken, even those faded beauties can turn back into treasures. Here are 2 pictures I merged together of old faded flowers that have withered from the cold weather. They've lost all their petal luster and vibrant colors. However, merging the two pictures together, cropping, and applying glow and sketch filters, yes a little digital TLC, you can come out with some good looking digital art.

So no matter what it looks like after the picture, and no matter what the condition, there is always something to work with for those who want to take the time and turn something tarnished back to life.

Enjoy and happy captures!


Paintings of Beauty

I really enjoy looking at older art, in this case it's a painting hanging in the Roseland Cottage. You have to appreciate the artistry involved in painting such a fine piece. What talent and skill people have. Everyone has a talent... have you found yours?

Inside was especially dark so you had to use flash to get a good picture of anything. The question is how do you take a picture of a something behind glass or something with extreme gloss that would cause flash spots in the shot? Quite simply take the picture from a slight angle if you have a fixed flash or try bouncing your flash up and not directly against the object.

There are the same shot just cropped at different sizes. This also shows you what you can do with your images if you take them at higher resolutions or in RAW mode.

Photo of Month (October)

Anyone have a picture they'd like considered for the October Photo of the month? Please send in as soon as you can, today is already October 1st!! :)