
Megapixels, Megapixels, More Megapixels?

It's always been an interested subject when talking to people about their cameras. Some of the first questions that arise, almost in a boasting way, is 'How many megapixels does your camera have?', 'mine has blah blah blah...'

In today's world with such a technology hype, the mentality is bigger and faster is better. Well folks, in the megapixel world this isn't the case. When you have some time, do some research on the Megapixel Myth and your eyes will be opened. Here are a few reference links or simply pull up your favorite search engine and read away!

"Unfortunately, it's all a myth because the number of megapixels (MP) a camera has has very little to do with how the image looks. Even worse, plenty of lower MP cameras can make better images than poorer cameras with more MP."

"This gimmick is used by salespeople and manufacturers to you feel as if your current camera is inadequate and needs to be replaced even if the new cameras each year are only slightly better." - Ken Rockwell - Professional Photographer

"Consumer Reports recently tested 70 digital cameras and says the emphasis on megapixels is part of the game manufacturers play to get people to buy more expensive cameras."

The Truth About Digital Cameras

Yes, it's actually a ploy by advertising and companies who sell digital cameras! *gasp* Yes! In fact, even in my own search for the truth on this subject, I have a few cameras and took several shots of the same subject with each ranging from a 2MP camera to a 6MP camera and the testing proved it even more. Let me know your thoughts and discoveries.

So what would one say to that question we had at the outset? Perhaps, 'it's good enough!'. :)

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