
The Spotlight!

I decided to add a new section to the blog which will introduce our readers to the community. This is purely voluntary and requires that you simply fill out some brief questions (listed below) about yourself and photography. I'm calling it The Spotlight!

If you're interested, copy/paste these questions into an email and send it off to me. When received, I'll review and post on this blog.

Here are the questions and you can email them here.

  • Name or Initials:
  • City/State:
  • How did you get started with photography?
  • How long have you been taking pictures?
  • What kind of camera do you shoot with the most?
  • How many cameras, both film and digital, do you own?
  • What do you appreciate most about photography?
  • How often do you take pictures?
  • What advise would you give someone if they asked you about photography and getting started?
  • What are your current hobbies/interests?
  • What is your current profession?
  • How did you hear about this website?
  • Optional picture*
*With the submission, you can also send in a picture of yourself (which I may crop if necessary) to include on your page. This is completely optional!

I hope everyone enjoys reading about those who share similar interest.

Happy Captures!

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