
Self Portraits Are Fun

Don't forget to take some self-portraits of yourself. To accomplish this and get a natural look, utilize the 'self-timer' functionality on your digital camera. This option allows the camera to take a picture within a certain amount of seconds based upon your settings.

In this case, I took a picture of myself and then of course modified it with a feathering around the edges for blending, then duplicated the original image, rotated it, and moved it to a different location forming three images. We'll discuss layers at a different point which allow multiple images overladed to be worked with individually and then merged or flattened later.

So take those pics of yourself and send them in! I want to see how creative everyone can get. Throw some different filters on it, rotate your pictures, add/remove color, merge other pictures... have fun and just enjoy yourself. After all, it's YOU you're messing with. :)

Happy Captures!

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