
Panthera tigris

Captured of course from afar and through glass with a 200 mm lens - hand held. What a beautiful looking animal huh? It's amazing how BIG these tigers are when you see them up close and personal. Well, not too close I hope. The glass we viewed them through in their artificial habitat (yes, I say artificial because there is nothing like their real homes in the wild), was pretty THICK as well as mesh fenced.

Desaturation is pretty common among photo editing enthusiasts. Some like to desaturate the backgrounds and only keep the main object in color. You can see my Dandelion shot posted back in March of this year as well for reference.

The 2nd picture is modified to include some texture and defined ink outline markings. Have fun and mold your pictures into pieces of art even if the subject is dangerous!

Happy Captures!


Cooling Off With Splashing Sunshine

This bear really enjoyed himself in the summer heat! The day was pretty hot and well into the mid 90's but the temperature didn't stop this brown bear from playing in the pool with his favorite ball and shaking a little sunshine off its fur!

The pictures were taken with a 300mm zoom at f/5.6 and 1/800 shutter speed using my Nikon D70. How do I know this?

TIP: If you want to know how you took a specific digital picture and what settings your camera was at for that particular shot do the following.

  • RIGHT click on the picture and select 'Properties' from the drop down menu
  • At the top of that window click the 'Summary' tab

    This is especially helpful if you shoot with different cameras and want to learn how to take specific shots.


The Roaming Photographer Idea!

Ok. Ok, so I'm never satisfied with whats on the site so I have to keep adding to it's features. With the latest being The Spotlight! which two have already sent in their information and been published, I've decided to add another idea called "The Roaming Photographer"!

Think of it like photo journalism but from a wide variety of events, locations, and from everyone! Yes, EVERYONE! This is the difference. Instead of always seeing what I see and take pictures of, I thought it would be great if I open it up to everyone who has been to an event and would like to share their thoughts and pictures on it. This way we can get a larger perspective on what people like going to as well as seeing more events and shows from different areas including different towns, states and countries!

What is considered an Event? This is open and could be anything from school shows, sporting events, movies, parades, traveling experiences, concerts, news, exhibits, and more. Use your imagination and pretend you're hired as a Roaming Photographer who has to show new people different aspects of living in the area. Enjoy yourself and I look forward to reading and publishing them soon.


  • Your Name (Initials are ok)
  • Date of Event
  • Title of Event
  • Location of Event (city/state or country)
  • Pictures must be in .jpg format with a MAXIMUM of 5 pictures per event
  • Send in a narrative along with your event detailing what it was all about. This must be at least a paragraph or more. Content must be appropriate and I reserve the right to edit as necessary.
  • Rating - yes, rate the event you've been to on a SCALE of 1-10 (1=poor to 10=awesome)
    With rating, don't just give a number but explain why it was so. If it was poor, what could be better or if it was awesome, why. That way readers and determine expectations if they ever go to the event.
Who's first!! :)

Send In Your Submission!

Monthly Readers Photo - September!

With September being only 2 weeks away, it's that time again for the Monthly Reader's Photo! I'll now be accepting photos for September. Starting sending them in! Don't forget to send the 'title' of the photo and the location.

First Contest Closed - Announcing Winner Soon

Thanks to all who submitted photos for the Water Reflections Contest. I'll be reviewing all submissions and announcing a winner soon. The winner will first be contacted via email to confirm the address and then will be sent the $25.00 Wal-Mart online gift card. Stay tuned!

Happy Captures!


White Streets & High Prices!

Is it too early to start posting snow storm pictures from previous years? :) Thinking back to the very first blog post, I started with a snow picture of storm Agatha in February of this year!

Here is one taken a couple years back in 2005 as a town plow truck pushes it's way through the snow covered streets on Rt. 44 in Putnam, CT. I'm not in the middle of the street but shooting through my vehicle's windshield. No, I wasn't driving! You can't always be in the optimal position when you think of a good shot so you do what you can, and quickly, to capture something.

Its very interesting to take town pictures as well because when you look back on them a few years from now, the scenery will reveal a lot of history in them. For instance, take a look at this picture. This is a cropped picture from a larger town view but this shows how much gas prices were back in 2005! And we thought gas was expensive then! WOW.

Keep your pictures and look at them when you have the time. If they're on CD or DVD backup or sitting on an external hard drive, pop them in or connect the device and start browsing! You never know what historical treasures you have.


Some Humor From ShotAddict.Com

Here is a funny photo compliments of ShotAddict.Com for posting several blooper pictures of photographers.

Reminder: You never can be fully prepared! Seriously, ONLY carry what you need when you're out taking pictures. Leave the rest in your locked car or at home!

Enjoy! :)

Reference: ShotAddict.Com (full article here)

Tickling Tummy

Browsing through some more of the shots I took at our recent Bronx Zoo trip I found this funny picture. I had to wait for just the right moment to take it because they were both moving around and finding just the right spot themselves. At this moment the baby (calf) just turned its head enough to stare directly at me and then snap! It was captured! What a picture!

This was taken with a 300mm zoom lens from about 200+ feet away with no tripod. This leads to a good point. Sometimes if you know the shot you want you have to wait for it especially if your object(s) are alive and moving around. Be patient and observe the movement and habits and set yourself up for just the right angle and shot. Remember, you're shooting digital and not film so don't be afraid to snap lots of pictures if you're memory card can support them. You can go back and delete the bad ones after.

This doesn't always work out but its another way of looking at a picture and kinda getting some control on it. Another way is to take advantage of your camera's continuous shooting mode (consider it like rapid-fire burst shots one after another within seconds). The Nikon D70 can take 3 shots/second capturing a series of frames. Check out your camera's settings and see what is available. This is a great feature for sports and action shots. I'm sure the paparazzi must use this a lot!


The Spotlight! - Introduces Pam Cruz from CA!

Name: Pam Cruz
City/State: Lemoore, California

How did you get started with photography?
My older sister always took pictures so I had to get on the band wagon.

How long have you been taking pictures?
20 years

What kind of camera do you shoot with the most?
Canon PowerShot S1 IS I am looking for another type to use also.

How many cameras, both film and digital, do you own?

What do you appreciate most about photography?
It helps to capture memories and the moment. Everything is beautiful in it's own way.

How often do you take pictures?
Every day, you can find a picture in everything.

What advise would you give someone if they asked you about photography and getting started?
Find a camera you are comfortable with using and go with it.

What are your current hobbies/interests?
gardening, beading, swimming

What is your current profession?

How did you hear about this website?
through your myspace

(editor comment: If you have a MySpace profile and would like to view mine, please send me an email - mine is currently marked 'private' for spam related issues)

Thanks Pam for taking the time to fill out the questionnaire and being our next in The Spotlight! reader!!

Sad but True...

I recently saw a broadcast on TV which interviewed some state folks around the rapid decline of bridges in CT and how they're in serious need of repair. The folks who were talking had some good points about how important it is for the economy and even more so for public safety and the preservation of historic landmarks.

I couldn't help but look through my archives to find pictures of some of the bridges I took that are close in the area which highlight this point even further. I believe this bridge located in Putnam, CT was even washed out or damaged during the flood of 1952. It's historic and sadly, in serious need of repair.

Sometimes looking back, it's all we have is pictures of what was once great works of art or fine establishments and structures. Keep shooting and treasure what you capture. For one day, it'll be a reflection that is left... nothing more.

Happy captures!


Old Baseball Cap

Take me out to the ball game...

Here is an old shot for everyone. I took this picture from one of my very old baseball caps I had when I was a child some 25+ years ago. It was an old Boston Red Sox hat my dad gave me when I was interested in playing ball. How time flies but capturing pictures like this can recall good memories.

As you can tell, I converted the picture to black & white and also added a by-line, copyright, and water mark 'sample' across it using a photo editor.

Do you have any old photos you'd like to share? Send them in!


The Spotlight! - Introduces J.S. from CT

Name: J.S.
City/State: Old Lyme, CT

How did you get started with photography?
My Mother took lots of pictures and I copied her example. I recall selling newspapers and saving my allowance to get my first Brownie film camera.

How long have you been taking pictures?
Ever since I was 11 years old when I took pictures of my horses on the Farm and had to send them away to be developed. It was always a thrill to get the pictures back in the mail.

What kind of camera do you shoot with the most?
Fugi S7000.

How many cameras, both film and digital, do you own?
One camera now, but looking forward to getting a new camera with a telescopic lens to take close
ups of beautiful birds in flight.

What do you appreciate most about photography?
It makes you more aware of the beauty everywhere. When I focus my camera lens on animals, flowers, landscapes, butterflies etc. I feel a spiritual connection to what I am capturing on my digital camera. I would not have noticed such things such as the beautiful colors of the butterfly wings before.

How often do you take pictures?
Daily because you never know when a rainbow, cloud formation, animal etc. is going to be available for a new picture.
What advise would you give someone if they asked you about photography and getting started?

Always be ready for the next perfect picture with your camera nearby.

For example, I took a picture of two cats touching paws outside their cages
at a Cat Benefit. It looked like a High Five between the cats. I think part
of the fun of photography is the matting and framing to best compliment your
picture. You can be as creative as you want using your digital camera.

What are your current hobbies/interests?
Restoring old family photos, keeping up with animal protection issues via the internet such as banning horse carriages in NYC. I enjoy going to yard sales to pick up towels and blankets for the Humane Society and other animal rescue organizations. I also found a Brownie Camera just like I owned at a yard sale.

What is your current profession?
(Not employed) Anyone looking for a photographer?

How did you hear about this website?
I saw your blog in The Norwich Bulletin and have been enjoying it ever since.

The Spotlight!

I decided to add a new section to the blog which will introduce our readers to the community. This is purely voluntary and requires that you simply fill out some brief questions (listed below) about yourself and photography. I'm calling it The Spotlight!

If you're interested, copy/paste these questions into an email and send it off to me. When received, I'll review and post on this blog.

Here are the questions and you can email them here.

  • Name or Initials:
  • City/State:
  • How did you get started with photography?
  • How long have you been taking pictures?
  • What kind of camera do you shoot with the most?
  • How many cameras, both film and digital, do you own?
  • What do you appreciate most about photography?
  • How often do you take pictures?
  • What advise would you give someone if they asked you about photography and getting started?
  • What are your current hobbies/interests?
  • What is your current profession?
  • How did you hear about this website?
  • Optional picture*
*With the submission, you can also send in a picture of yourself (which I may crop if necessary) to include on your page. This is completely optional!

I hope everyone enjoys reading about those who share similar interest.

Happy Captures!